+81 45 522 0008

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Ristorante OZIO

A beautiful dinner time to brighten up your summer

RISTORANTE OZIO, the main dining establishment at The Kahala Hotel & Resort Yokohama, upholds the motto "modern is classic" and is constantly striving to refine its specialties by identifying the essence of things.

The menu includes the casual Italian course [Spica (6 dishes)], the traditional Italian course [Felice (8 dishes)], which showcases modern techniques, the one and only Italian Chef Otsuka's signature course [Chimera (8 dishes)], and Chef Otsuka's luxurious specialty course [The Premium], which includes a clear water lobster appetizer decorated with "Plumeria" and sea urchin spaghetti, an original twist by Chef Otsuka on the legendary OZIO menu that symbolizes the Kahala brand.

Enjoy a relaxing dinner time by choosing the volume and style of food you prefer.
We also offer a children's course (for ages 12 and under) called "bambino" as well as an eye-catching anniversary plate.

The Kahala Bear can be placed in a box and taken home as a gift. It is perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions.


The Premium Dinner

Telephone reservation: 045‐522‐0077 (10:00 ~ 19:00)
WEB the reservation Here

The photograph is an image.
* The menu and serving period may change depending on procurement conditions, etc.
*Alcoholic beverages cannot be served to anyone under the age of 20 or to customers who are driving.

Add a touch of black truffle to your usual course

RISTORANTE OZIOでは、期間限定でお好みのお料理に追加オーダーで黒トリュフを目の前でスライスしてご提供いたします。またはお好みのコースに黒トリュフを使用したパスタ・リゾットの追加オーダーも承ります。

秋冬のイメージが強いトリュフですが、日本と季節が反対である南半球 オーストラリアでは6から8月にかけてトリュフの最盛期を迎えます。スライスした瞬間、温かいお料理に触れた瞬間に広がる官能的な香りは、皆様を美食の世界へ。ぜひこの機会に香り深い一皿をお楽しみください。

◆Black truffle offering period
June 12th (Wed) - August 5th (Mon), 2024

For your favorite dishes>>
Black truffle 3g: 4,427 yen (tax and service charge included), 5g: 6,325 yen (tax and service charge included)

Add a dish using black truffle to your course menu >>
Fresh black truffle pasta - Tajarin - (3g black truffle): 6,325 yen (tax and service charge included)
Fresh black truffle risotto (3g black truffle): 6,325 yen (tax and service charge included)

The photograph is an image.
* The menu and serving period may change depending on procurement conditions, etc.

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